After October 19 2023 new Rules and Regulations issued through ALLAH/ The DIVINE WORLD and valid for all Keris/Pusaka in Indonesia will be active. The new Rules and Regulations will be:
1. All the Keris/Pusaka will be under control and guidance of:
2. The owner of the Keris/Pusaka has no power over the Keris/Pusaka anymore, the owner will become the holder.
3. The owner of the Keris/Pusaka has no power or authority over the Spirits of the Keris/Pusaka anymore.
4. The Spirits of the Keris/Pusaka are under command and follow the instructions of ANGEL MICHAEL and ANGEL GABRIEL.
5. The owner of the Keris/Pusaka will become the holder.
6. All the commands/instructions from the holder towards the Spirits of the Keris/Pusaka shall be according to the Rules and Regulations of The DIVINE WORLD/ALLAH.
7. Each person on Earth has a Free Will. For The DIVINE WORLD/ALLAH the Free Will is Holy.
8. In case the commands/instructions towards the Spirits of the Keris/Pusaka are not according to the Rules and Regulations of The DIVINE WORLD/ALLAH and/or the Free Will: The holder of the Keris/Pusaka will be fully responsible for his/her actions/commands/instructions.
9. In case the holder of the Keris/Pusaka works on behalf of the negative energy/dadjal/iblis/devils/satans/etc.: The holder shall activate his/her own punishment!
The above LAW issued through ALLAH/ The DIVINE WORLD will be activated on October 19 2023 (19.10.2023).
You have read the MESSAGE from The DIVINE. You are now aware of the new LAW regarding all Keris/ Pusaka from The DIVINE WORLD into this world/ Earth/ Indonesia.
Everyone who acts against or blocks the content of the above LAW from The DIVINE into this world/ Earth/ Indonesia will have to answer to ALLAH.